Where Creativity thrives



About A.A. Canizalez

A.A. Canizalez is an illustrator and Teacher-candidate based in New York City. She is a former design intern at Viking(Penguin Random House). She is currently working at South Asian Youth Action(SAYA), bringing art and crafts to schools that lack art programs. Currently is at Hunter College (CUNY) working on her Master’s in Visual Art education.

Most of her work is heavily a mixture of traditional and digital media. She is also skilled in the basics of aftereffects although her main focus is in narrative and decorative arts. She speaks both English and Spanish. This inspires her to create more work based on her cultural roots as well as her own love of floral design work. In the future, she would love to create launch her own children’s book series to show kids the wonders of art, history, nature, and culture.